A Brief History of Beauregard's Tailor
Andrew Kasmar opened Beauregard’s Tailor for business in the fall of 2007, making historic reproductions of 19th century military uniforms, primarily from the Civil War. What started as a hobby quickly grew into a full scale enterprise serving hundreds of customers per year. We are proud to say that there are Beauregard’s Tailor garments in use by the National Park Service at Shiloh, Manassas, and other battlefields.
The business has since expanded to include modern gear. We seek to re-introduce the strength of conviction, moral virtues, state pride, and patriotic sentiments of our nation's history to the 21st century.
Mr. Kasmar resides in the great state of South Carolina. He now spends what few non-working hours he has gardening and trying to convince his wife that it’s a good idea to name their children after obscure 19th century military leaders.
Beauregard’s Tailor is a small family business powered by American freedom, old-fashioned hard work, and the abundant grace of God.
General P.G.T. Beauregard (1818-1893)